How to overcome the fear of communication?

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Many people today are faced with the problem of fear when dealing with strangers. We talk with you about few tips to help you overcome this fear.

It is necessary to recognize the existence of this fear

Often, people save all their feelings inside, which further exacerbate the situation, or they cannot make the problem by denying it day by day. It is best to talk to someone about this fear. It is the most common method in psychology, when you share a problem with friends or relatives and it became easier, you are no longer constrained by these thoughts. The feeling of negativity caused by your experiences goes along with the words. Talk about it more and more and soon you will no longer have to understand what you so afraid are.

The changes will not take place in you in one day. This process can take a long time, but long-term daily work on yourself will give fruitful results.

It is necessary to stop thinking about this problem

The more you concentrate on it, the more intractable it seems to you. Relax and enjoy the process.

We need to do what is most afraid of. Start to communicate, to talk to someone, and do it consistently. Need incessant practice. To learn how to calmly talk to people, to defend your position, need to begin to act. Remember, if you have decided to deal with the problem, and thus do not do anything, it means that you have decided to do nothing.

Fight with problem, do not stop on the achieved result, believe in yourself and try to find a person who would have supported.

If you find it difficult to communicate with people directly, start with some chats, if you need an intimate experience try some sex chat roulette. Think maybe you've been planning to do something, and you do not have certain information available, and it can get you just call, for example, reference or internet provider. Start calling, recognizing the value and various details. Write to advance a list of questions you want to ask, and proceed. Ask about the schedule of their location, asked to explain how to find them.

Gradually, you will achieve the desired result, the voice will stop shaking, stiffness will pass, and you no longer need a list of questions, you'll improvise. Thus, you have to prepare yourself for the next stage - real communication. To do this as often as possible to talk to strangers, ask them specific questions or refer to them with the request: learn how to get to the desired location on a bus to sit, at a bus stop to go, how to get somewhere, where is the or other organization.