How much time to chat on the Internet to meet?

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The answer is obvious: "It all depends on who you are talking with and how you like the process of communication, how looking at meeting the other person and do you said to him about the meeting. In addition to all the above, there is also a time frame or temporary stages of communication on the Internet:

Communication from 3 days to 2 weeks

This is stage in which communication only begins to emerge. I love him the most, because at this stage of communication you know a little more about each other. If after 3 days - 2 weeks of communication, you will meet, you immediately go to a real dialogue, without any unnecessary correspondences. Since you do not know each other for a long time, one of you needs to take the initiative to communicate, because you need to communicate the entire meeting to impress. The meeting may not last long, a couple of hours it will be enough. After the meeting, you will see whether or not to chat on the Internet, or transfer your communication to real meetings.

Communication from 2 weeks to a month

Step of communication, in which you have more or less clear information about each other. You switched to a virtual conversation in which each of you can catch yourself in thinking about meet, but for some reason it has not happened yet. At this stage already built some idea of the person, especially if you are chatting every day. If you meet at this stage of communication, the talk at the meeting will be easier.

Communication over a month

Step of communication, on which the girl could have been written in the category of a virtual friend. People who approach the issue of communication and dating online carefully, then there is no opportunity to meet (if it is about familiarity with the different cities and countries), or one of the interlocutors has not decided on the step towards a proposal for a meeting (as be sure the girl). At this stage of communication you know each other already. Each of you drew a picture, an idea in his head, it remains only to meet and get to know each other better. This stage has a downside is that if you do not like each other at a meeting, the whole month of online communication or more will be in vain.

How long may be chat in sex chat is for you to decide. Evaluate the time when you and your partner are ready. Maybe he or she hinted at the meeting, or simply eludes or you were not ready. Well, it's time to consider the pros and cons and go to the first meeting after meeting online. My advice at the earliest opportunity, if any, will go to real communication. The more you communicate, the more you live with illusions about your interlocutor, as long as you do not see it in real life, you will not have a clear picture of the person.