7 reasons that prevent you to find your soul mate

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7 main reasons why users of the Internet can’t find their life partners. So, let's begin:

Great choice and search for the ideal

A significant part of dating site users seeks to find its second half, using a variety of search criteria. Looking through one by one questionnaire, users tend to choose those that are best suited to them. Moreover, some search turns into a habit, they expect to find their fictional, ideal image, forgetting that in the pursuit of the ideal can take the whole life.

Faced with the failure of one day, frustrated with this method of dating

Life consists of a series of successes and failures, so do not worry about what this or that person did not live up to your expectations at the meeting, despite the fact that he seemed so nice in communicating on a dating site or some sex roulette chat. The next time to meet you become a different person and it is likely that he will not villain, because you will be more conscious approach to the question of the date, is not it?

The desire to get what they want here and now

It is often possible to meet people who are disappointed after a few days or weeks to find a life partner on a dating site. It is not always the process is fast, sometimes in search takes years. There is a feeling that the user feels as if signing up on a dating site, it automatically should get a soul mate in a gift box, tied with a red ribbon. Unfortunately, this is not so. It should not make a little effort to find interest and to create a strong alliance with a future spouse.

Limiting the search companion one settlement and fear of distances

Too many people deliberately limit their search for a city in which they live, thus seeking to create for you the most convenient and least costly opportunity to find a decent man. At the same time consciously dissociate themselves from a large number of interesting people, among whom, perhaps there was the "second half". Ease of meetings is not always the key to a successful relationship.

The lack of faith in themselves and their abilities

"I do not believe in these dating sites ..." writes every 20 girl. Paradox? I do not believe it, but ... What registers itself to doom to failure in advance, what is holy to believe in one thing and do quite another?

The feeling of superiority, narcissism and the expectation of compulsory interest to the person

People do not accept any criticism and consider them smarter, prettier and generally better than others, descended from heaven!