Rules of virtual dating: SAFETY

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The main objective of safety when dating online is to protect themselves from contacts and rapprochement with the people who can be your source of all sorts of trouble and headaches, ranging from compulsive calls threats to your life.

First of all you need to best protect you in cyberspace. All e-mail addresses that you use for the institution profiles on dating sites or maybe some sex chat, in any case should not be your regular email addresses those you use for many years.

Be prepared

Get yourself a pair of new e-mails and register on dating websites and lead amorous correspondence. Photos in a swimsuit, even more if you get to know people for serious dating, is better not to spread. Otherwise torment can delete posts concerned vulgar.

Assess the safety of contact with prospective candidates on a date with you need immediately after a virtual dating. There are sites that show how long a user is logged on this resource.

If a candidate for a date for a long time already appears on this portal, he certainly deserves more credit than the man whose profile appears just. Carefully trace the activity of a person at this site, if it is an active user, who often appears in the chat and forum.

If after some communication interest and trust your counterpart is not lost, you can proceed to the next step - the exchange of phone numbers.

Lively conversation will give you an additional and very important idea of a man and strengthen you in the decision to meet in the real world, or, on the contrary, take away from this decision. The main rule - you cannot give a number for your home and especially business phone.

With the mobile phone also has a subtlety. For such contacts is best to have a spare sim card, which in the case of which you can cancel without any additional discomfort for themselves.

If you have already gathered on the first date, it is important to follow a few, old as the world tips.

Tips for dating

First, agree on a date only on neutral ground, preferably in a public place.

Secondly, for the sake of safety, leave the phone number of a young man for your friend, and let some time after the beginning of goodbye, she called him, as if it could not reach you. After that it is unlikely that man will any improper intentions, even if he was planning something.

Someone online dating can seem somewhat dangerous and concealing a lot of trouble and pitfalls. In fact, online chatting and getting together the mass of decent people. Surely even among your friends there are couples owing their acquaintance Internet. Do not be afraid and try your destiny in the World Wide Web.