Communicating with strangers: why are we afraid to talk?

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Psychology of communication is undoubtedly one of the most important areas of our lives. Every day we, one way or another, interact, meet and talk with people around us. This is a natural process that comes from the very nature of man as a social being.

But sometimes, there are situations when we, for whatever reasons, it is difficult to communicate, especially when it comes to interacting with the opposite sex, dating or maintaining existing relationships. Everyone, with rare exceptions, certainly, feels the desire to communicate, but some systems imposed beliefs prevent him from doing it. This article will describe the basic principles and learn how to communicate with people.

Is there a way to relax and enjoy it? How to stop being constrained, to overcome feelings of anxiety and fear of communication, stop worrying about trifles and make your life a lot more enjoyable because of this?

The key role of communication in human life has long been proved by scientists. Our health, successful life and relationships are depends from it.

Before turning to the advice to combat the fear of communication, it is necessary to reveal the very cause of this fear and discomfort associated with it. Knowing the root of the problem, revealing its essence, is much easier to solve.

How not to be afraid to communicate with people

Perhaps the fear of communication lies in your child, think about it, maybe you remember a conflict that has occurred to you as a child. Then you have not given it much importance, but in the subconscious negative residue remained, and now prevents you from developing. In this case, you should consult with a specialist or undergo a series of psychological training to help you cope with the situation.


  • Inability to competently build connections and relationships;
  • Failure to establish contacts;
  • Lack of mutual understanding;
  • Excessive modesty;
  • Your timidity, shyness;
  • Excessive restraint and humility;
  • Low self-esteem;
  • Complexes concerning appearance;
  • Inability to listen and understand others;
  • Fear of displeasing others;

Each person may have their own reasons for fear of socializing and getting to know strangers. Of course, it is very important to understand the cause of your problem. Only after that you can combat it effectively. Excellent platform to overcome complexes is to explore various chat rooms. For example, in a sex roulette, you can more quickly feel confident when intimacy with the opposite sex.